
What services does Jazireh Sefid offer?

Some services of Jazireh Sefid

واردات تجهیزات شبکه

Import of network equipment

Unmediated and direct supply of equipment and services with world-class technology in the field of network and communication from world-renowned manufacturers and brands is the priority of Jazireh Sefid.

خدمات پس از فروش

After sales service

We will be with you in Jazireh Sefid after the sale.





The experts of the Jazireh Sefid team will solve all your needs in the field of network equipment repair, relying on their expertise and technical knowledge.



 Acquaintance with

Jazireh Sefid Network and Communications Company

Jazireh Sefid Company started its specialized activity in the form of full supply of all kinds of network equipment in 2008 and has been proud to obtain the satisfaction of more than 500 loyal customers.

You can get all the network equipment you need through the Jazireh Sefid website with guaranteed quality and exceptional conditions.

Free shopping guide and expert advice, fast shipping, product health guarantee, after-sales service and unique variety of products are some of the distinctive features of Jazireh Sefid.

درباره شرکت جزیره سفید
درباره شرکت جزیره سفید

Jazireh Sefid Company

With several years of experience in the field of importing network equipment from first-hand sources

Ready to cooperate with public and private organizations and companies, hotels, entertainment centers, banks, institutions, monitoring and control centers, data centers, refineries and power plants, hospitals, importers of network and communication equipment, network service contractors, Universities, military centers and large semi-governmental organizations. 

تضمین قیمت

Price guarantee

The best market price


پشتیبانی 24 ساعته

Excellent support

24 hours a day

7 days a week

بازگشت وجه


In the event of dissatisfaction

اصالت کالاها

Authenticity of goods

From the top brands

تحویل سریع

Fast delivery

Fast delivery in the shortest possible time


Honors of Jazireh Sefid Network and Communications Company

رضایت مشتریان
95%Customer Satisfaction
تنوع محصولات
300+Variety of products
سابقه فعالیت
15+Activity history

Customers of the Jazireh Sefid Company


Brands that Jazireh Sefid Company is currently supplying