
 Acquaintance with

Jazireh Sefid Network and Communications Company

Jazireh Sefid Company started its specialized activity in the form of full supply of all kinds of network equipment in 2008 and has been proud to obtain the satisfaction of more than 500 loyal customers.

You can get all the network equipment you need through the Jazireh Sefid website with guaranteed quality and exceptional conditions.

Free shopping guide and expert advice, fast shipping, product health guarantee, after-sales service and unique variety of products are some of the distinctive features of Jazireh Sefid.

آشنایی با جزیره سفید شبکه و ارتباطات
آشنایی با جزیره سفید شبکه و ارتباطات
چرا جزیره سفید؟
چرا جزیره سفید؟

Why do customers

choose Jazireh Sefid?

Jazireh Sefid is proud to provide first-hand products from the best manufacturers and also eliminate middlemen for the sake of profit customers take steps.

  • Providing reasonable profit for the collection and customers
  • Providing after-sales service and product warranty
  • Guaranteeing the quality of products and services offered
  • Supplying equipment and products from first-hand brands and sources
  • The Jazireh Sefid team has the highest level of expertise and technical knowledge

Honors of the Jazireh Sefid

300+Variety of products
95%Customer satisfaction percentage
15+Activity history
10+Expert and skilled employee

Jazireh Sefid expert team

Get to know more about the members of Jazireh Sefid Company

مهندس سینا حسینی مدیر عامل شرکت جزیره سفید

Sina Hosseini engineer

CEO of Jazireh Sefid company

مهندس نیما حسینی مدیر عامل دفتر دبی

Nima Hosseini engineer

Managing Director of the Dubai office